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Caesar Guerini Summit Sporting / Browing 825 Sporting / Beretta 694 Sporting SF Bay Area demo?

Drew Eckhardt

New member
As a birthday present, I'd like to upgrade from my old Baikal IZH-27 to a nice sporting clays gun with a ~$6K budget including taxes.

The candidates are a Caesar Guerini Summit Sporting, Browing 825 Pro Sporting, and Beretta 694 Sporting with an adjustable comb to get my fit right.

Is there any place I could demo them in the SF Bay Area?

I can visit family in the Colorado front range and demo the Caesar Guerini there, but haven't managed to track either of the other guns down.
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I can't answer this question, but I wanted to say, I only learned recently shotguns are so friggin expensive! 5 to mid 5 figures, wth? blew my mind...
As a birthday present, I'd like to upgrade from my old Baikal IZH-27 to a nice sporting clays gun with a ~$6K budget including taxes.

The candidates are a Caesar Guerini Summit Sporting, Browing 825 Pro Sporting, and Beretta 694 Sporting with an adjustable comb to get my fit right.

Is there any place I could demo them in the SF Bay Area?

I can visit family in the Colorado front range and demo the Caesar Guerini there, but haven't managed to track either of the other guns down.
Coyote Valley rents Beretta shotguns, I don’t know if they rent out the 694 though.
I can't answer this question, but I wanted to say, I only learned recently shotguns are so friggin expensive! 5 to mid 5 figures, wth? blew my mind...
Yes, it’s mind boggling. I’ve been a rifle and pistol guy most of my life. I only owned one shotgun most of that time, my grandfathers single action bar Mossberg 500 from the late 1960’s.

My kids weren’t into shooting guns until I bought a Remington 1187 and I saw how good they were at clay sports. I then began researching clay guns and my jaw dropped. You can be competitive with a $500 Glock in pistols sports but not so with clay sports. Lesser shotguns will shoot themselves to pieces with the volume of rounds clay shotguns shoot. My oldest son fired over 5k rounds in his first 6 months of clay shooting.

My two dedicated clay shotguns ran me a combined $8k; that’s for entry level guns. In total I now have two O/Us, two pumps, and three semi autos. It’s fun though, way more relaxed and friendly shooting sporting clays than other shotgun sports, including rifle and pistol. Ammunition is through the roof, I spend $400 to $1000 every time I make an ammo run.
way more relaxed and friendly shooting sporting clays than other shotgun sports

Skeet and sporting clays are both more social (friendly and relaxed) because there is only one shooter on a station at a time.
Those not on a station cans stand around and BS.

Trap has 5 shooters on 5 different stations at the same time, so it doesn't really allow for socializing while shooting.
Plus the shooters get into a rhythm and don't want that interrupted.
I think trap was invented by the same old geezer (just kidding, don't get anything in a bunch) that invented social distancing.
Skeet and sporting clays are both more social (friendly and relaxed) because there is only one shooter on a station at a time.
Those not on a station cans stand around and BS.

Trap has 5 shooters on 5 different stations at the same time, so it doesn't really allow for socializing while shooting.
Plus the shooters get into a rhythm and don't want that interrupted.
I think trap was invented by the same old geezer (just kidding, don't get anything in a bunch) that invented social distancing.
I never thought of the single person on a station until you mentioned it but it makes perfect sense. We’re always smack talking each other as we wait our turn to shoot.
To answer my own question, one can call Caesar Guerini to be put in touch with the regional sales rep. When I talked to him he said he could bring a demo gun the next time he was out at Wing and Barrel.

For rent/demo, the closest Coyote Valley can do is a 32 inch Beretta 686 and 30 inch Browning Citori CX. All the rest of their rental over unders are 26 and 28 inch models.

I was able to shoulder and handle a Caesar Guerini Summit Limited, Beretta 694 Sporting, and Browning 725 Sporting at Birds Landing although they didn't have anything to shoot. Also checked out a Caesar Guerini Summit at Black Dog Armory in Freemont.

I bought a 32" Caesar Guerini Summit with adjustable comb from August M. Crocker Fine Guns.

Started my paperwork today February 3rd, so I'll be able to pick it up on the 14th to shoot over Presidents Day weekend for my birthday.

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To answer my own question, one can call Caesar Guerini to be put in touch with the regional sales rep. When I talked to him he said he could bring a demo gun the next time he was out at Wing and Barrel.

For rent/demo, the closest Coyote Valley can do is a 32 inch Beretta 686 and 30 inch Browning Citori CX. All the rest of their rental over unders are 26 and 28 inch models.

I was able to shoulder and handle a Caesar Guerini Summit Limited, Beretta 694 Sporting, and Browning 725 Sporting at Birds Landing although they didn't have anything to shoot. Also checked out a Caesar Guerini Summit at Black Dog Armory in Freemont.

I bought a 32" Caesar Guerini Summit with adjustable comb from August M. Crocker Fine Guns.

Started my paperwork today February 3rd, so I'll be able to pick it up on the 14th to shoot over Presidents Day weekend for my birthday.

View attachment 33878
Nice! Congrats, looks amazing.

Wish I saw this earlier I would have met you at birds landing and you can shoot my 682 gold e :) lol not sure how different it is vs the 694

not sure how the adj. comb is on the CG, but mostly people tell you not to get the adjustable comb beretta models because the hardware is junk, and it limits what you can do with LOP adjustments down the road, etc. maybe this has changed recently. not sure. aftermarket hardware is better, just have to find someone you trust to do the work or ship.

man.... dont get me started about 10 day wait on a fancy $$$ o/u shotgun lol
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