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Event Eric Grauffel Class

What is the syllabus, link to the class, and what did you learn that was new?
Eric did not have a set syllabus. Instead he asked every student what they wanted to get out of the class and he addressed each of those items during the 2-day class. Every student got their questions answered, which was great!

The class was private, so there is not a link to the class. The class took place at the Rio Solado range in Phoenix, AZ.

In case you do not know Eric Grauffel, he has been and continues to be a world champion in IPSC/USPSA. He is commonly regarded in the IPSC/USPSA circles as the greatest shooter in the world. So, as you can imagine, the class was entirely focused on competition shooting. I learned a lot about shooting technique and competition strategy from the class.
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