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Glock 17 slide stuck on 19 frame.


New member
I screwed up. I put my 17 slide on my 19 frame to see how it would look and it got stuck. I removed the back plate and the plunger rocketed out. The extractor and the firing pin safety then fell out. I removed the firing pin assembly and it's stuck. I can cycle the slide but nothing is budging. What can I do to disengage it and take the slide back off?


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Without the safety plunger in place, the trigger bar hump that activates the striker safety may be catching in the safety plunger hole.
See if you can pull downwards on the trigger bar while trying to get the slide to move forwards.
if it's not what the other guy said it's probably the recoil spring has worked it's way out a bit, try jiggling and pushing a bit harder to the front. If it's in the safety plunger hole then pressing the trigger should move the slide back and forth
Worst case - knock out all of the lower pins and remove it as one piece. From there, you can dissect the lower parts off the slide?
1: Make sure the gun in NOT LOADED!

2. Pull the trigger and hold it back.

3. Pull the slide back and pull down the slide release levers.

4. Push the slide forward - may take a bit more force to remove than normal

when you pull the trigger back, push it forward first and while holding it forward, push in the trigger safety and then pull the trigger to the fired position...this will keep from putting any undue stress on the system...”
I remember I had that recoil spring situation happen before where I forgot to put the recoil spring as I was in a rush; I had to do that method to remove the slide.
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Worst case - knock out all of the lower pins and remove it as one piece. From there, you can dissect the lower parts off the slide?
Knocking out the 3 pins in a Glock 19 frame won't get the slide off the frame as the frame rails are part of the frame and do NOT come out of the frame.
Knocking out the 3 pins will only let you remove the barrel locking block and the trigger group.
Of course that's not possible without first removing the slide though as the slide traps those in the frame even without the 3 pins.
Maybe try the method as if you forgot to install the recoil spring?

Push the slide forward until it is in the position it would normally be when the gun is ready to fire. Hold it in that position and pull the trigger.

The slide & barrel will now come off the front and you're good to go.”

Do you understand the first post?
OP has removed the striker so there is no need to pull the trigger.
Pulling the trigger is only required on a complete Glock and that's to release the striker.
Once the backplate is off the slide and you remove the striker, the striker is no longer there to hold the slide.

The OP's slide is stuck because he put the wrong kind of slide on the wrong frame.
Do you understand the first post?
OP has removed the striker so there is no need to pull the trigger.
Pulling the trigger is only required on a complete Glock and that's to release the striker.
Once the backplate is off the slide and you remove the striker, the striker is no longer there to hold the slide.

The OP's slide is stuck because he put the wrong kind of slide on the wrong frame.
I do now; had to take a look at the picture and re-read his post more thoroughly. Thanks for bringing that up. I seen another post that said recoil rod might be out of alignments; so, I thought that might help.

So, what should he do in this situation? Call Glock for assistance over the phone? Someone else has probably made this mistake before.
Here are a couple good photos showing the difference between 17 and 19 barrels in gen 2-4 glocks:

Do you understand the first post?
OP has removed the striker so there is no need to pull the trigger.
Pulling the trigger is only required on a complete Glock and that's to release the striker.
Once the backplate is off the slide and you remove the striker, the striker is no longer there to hold the slide.

The OP's slide is stuck because he put the wrong kind of slide on the wrong frame.
What do you think of this video? Someone else did it for his Glock 17 slide stuck on Glock 19?

So, what should he do in this situation? Call Glock for assistance over the phone? Someone else has probably made this mistake before.
I would try pulling the slide back enough that the recoil guide rod is sticking out the front of the slide, then hold the guide rod with pliers and then carefully let the slide forward while pulling down on the slide release levers to let the slide off the frame.
So I will ask you again if you even understand the first post.
The OP already did that.
I guess I’ll just say no to keep it simple. 🤣

I noticed you showed the differences of barrel dimensions between the gens and then posted about using pliers. So, the pliers is to help guide the guide rod back into alignment?
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I screwed up. I put my 17 slide on my 19 frame to see how it would look and it got stuck. I removed the back plate and the plunger rocketed out. The extractor and the firing pin safety then fell out. I removed the firing pin assembly and it's stuck. I can cycle the slide but nothing is budging. What can I do to disengage it and take the slide back off?
I noticed you showed the differences of barrel dimensions between the gens and then posted about using pliers.
So, the pliers is to help guide the guide rod back into alignment?
Pulling the guide rod away from the barrel lug is to get the guide rod out of the way so you can get the slide release latch to clear the rear of the guide rod and let the slide move forward past the latch.
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