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How do I get a hold of the seller if they are not responding after multiple attempts?

You offered 1550 on a 2300 p365 listing. And offered 1800 on a 2200 p365 listing. You are what some may call a low baller. You have made many low ball offers on many listings. Pretty sure the seller ain't going to sell to you.

There is no issue on lowballing. I lowball myself. You just gotta do research on how and when to lowball. Maybe offer a trade to exact the lowball offer, or don't expect a 25-50% discount on a gun.

You know for your offers on p365 listings listed at 2k+? You know you can buy a on-roster p365 for much less, and buy axg parts to make it p365 axg for much less?
I think most will lowball just to see what happens. Personally I would come back with a counter price whether it’s a 100 bucks lower or full price.

It’s from that moment determines how I would go foward. Personally nothing wrong with an offer it’s worth the shot. I’ve had eyes on stuff made a lower offer for seller to tell me full price and I did buy at that price.

I just can’t stand the ones who low ball and continues to try for their price after being told no then resorts to pointing out any little problem this kind of buyer I will not call back or talk to either.
I hope everyone is doing well. I wanted to know how to get in contact with the seller to purchase a gun. I have already purchased a handgun through here. I made multiple attempts to contact the seller because I would like to make a deal and they’re not responding to me. Is there anything I can do to get a hold of the seller?
To answer your question, if you’ve tried to make contact and they aren’t replying, there’s nothing we can do on our end. We don’t interfere since we’re not involved nor facilitate any transactions.

We provide tools and it’s up to people how to use them. We will not provide emails or email on your behalf, etc as that isn’t our place. There’s too many people.

Otherwise, the main way is to:

1.) send a dm
2.) post a comment

Besides that, that’s all you can do. If they aren’t responding in a timely manner, I suggest moving on. Sometimes people list things and unsubscribe from emails. Other times, they just ignore you because you have no feedback or perhaps as mentions the offer is too low.

Either way, I’d just keep an eye on other listings.
I understand if I low balled someone, but I just do that to test the waters. But I would like to make a fair deal that works out for the buyer and seller. I’m constantly messaging the seller because I actually want to buy the gun. I just think it’s disingenuous to the buyer as I’m willing to make a fair deal for the both of us. As I have said, I have purchased a Glock through here without much issues.
Don’t feel too bad though. It was a beginner mistake. You could have done a lot worse by offering $1k or flaking on the seller on meet up day; that would have been an insult. 🤣 Do you happen to be new to the off roster ppt market via classifieds; any experience on calguns (not this site)?

Just know, those off roster pistols are not that hard to acquire since those are not considered exotic or weird pistols. They will pop back up again from a different seller. Wait, scroll around, and look for new ads. It might cost less, same price, or more. You might even see a different off roster pistol that you want instead of that one. For now, just see it as you saved the money that you could have spent on those.

I have been ignored twice before (back on calguns) even though I was willing to pay the listed price for ammo; with a decent positive itrader history. I asked if they were 03/coe friendly, where they honor the 03/coe exemption of doing cash and carry, without needing to go to ffl dealer to do the transfer fee, after I show them my credentials, cash payment, shake hands, and be on our way. Both never responded. I had to understand some people really don’t know about the exemption and might think it’s some kind of set up; this was by learning from other sellers who did not know about the exemption (or even what an 03ffl/coe is) and I needed to explain to them. Those deals proceeded, easy transaction for the both of us; positive feedbacks exchanged.

I’ve even been ignored once (calguns) for a good price on ammo after agreeing to pay listing price, was willing to meet that day, then something came up on the sellers behalf, so we couldn’t meet, texted back and forth, decided to meet a few days later. Few days later, I noticed my text messages were not being delivered; that meant I was blocked. I checked the ad and info was deleted; they were just testing the waters to see if they would get any bites. I realized that after noticing others who posted I’ll take it before me and after me were also ignored and were not able to buy it.

I’m glad you shared your learning lesson and reached out for others for their opinions and experience. I do think there was some humor/sarcasm to the irony in this situation. There was useful information in this thread; what we would call “free game”.

Another nice way to ask is; “does this price happen to be firm?”
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Seller could respond to say that was too low of an offer to consider instead of ignoring. It just tells you the character of the seller. Yes it is rude and I wouldn't want to deal with this seller as many eluded to here, so move on. There is a lot of fish in the sea or will be. Keep the 2A community friendly and helpful. We have too many external factor against it in Commifornia.
Seller could respond to say that was too low of an offer to consider instead of ignoring. It just tells you the character of the seller. Yes it is rude and I wouldn't want to deal with this seller as many eluded to here, so move on. There is a lot of fish in the sea or will be. Keep the 2A community friendly and helpful. We have too many external factor against it in Commifornia.
i dont agree with the seller bein a 🍆 for ignoring a lowball. Ive seen some insultingly low offers that its not worth the time to entertain it. You wouldnt feel obligated to barter with me if I offered you 12,000 dollars for your 15,000 car, without even seeing it

generally ive found the lower the offer, the more hassle it is to even sell to someone. Ive had people lowball, ask for even more pictures, details, then be like "can you drive to me? im in *insert far away town*". its a trend. lowballs are fine and i do it to everyone almost, but its gotta be within reason
Sorry but feel like you all saying he's a lowballer are out of your cotton pickin' mind.

He has offered well above retail - WELL ABOVE.

Yes, it's Off Roster. Yes, they usually sell for a premium. And yes, quite often the sellers are asking crazy prices to see if they can get it so why not make a reasonable offer.

I do think the sellers should at least reply with a no thanks or a no, but $ xxx. That would be the polite thing to do and what I have done when offered less than I am willing to take. But most of you treat people different when you are protected by the WWW and the anonymity of the forum.
I've sold many things both here and on other forums, even if my items are already well below market value there are always those who want it for even less or ask if I will drive a hundred miles to meet them, just goes with the territory but I have never not responded no matter how silly the offer is.
Sorry but feel like you all saying he's a lowballer are out of your cotton pickin' mind.

He has offered well above retail - WELL ABOVE.

Yes, it's Off Roster. Yes, they usually sell for a premium. And yes, quite often the sellers are asking crazy prices to see if they can get it so why not make a reasonable offer.

I do think the sellers should at least reply with a no thanks or a no, but $ xxx. That would be the polite thing to do and what I have done when offered less than I am willing to take. But most of you treat people different when you are protected by the WWW and the anonymity of the forum.
what does retail have anything to do with it? absolutely nothing. even the market value has nothing to do with it - people's opinions on market value can obviously vary drastically.

what matters is what the asking price is, and what the buyer is offering. yes, a polite no thanks is what I and most people do but there is a distinction between a reasonable offer like you said, or just simply being insulting. obviously this is a risk you take as everyone is going to get offended at different levels and that level is not up to you. You can and will get blown off as you lack seriousness the lower your offer is in relation to asking price.
I admit I stop responding too if they ask for a discount then want me to meet them at their location. In my thinking, if you're asking for a discount, then you should meet me at my preferred location.

I will never travel if i am selling. I have been burned way too many times. If i have to drive 15+ min and then i get there and the guy still trying to low ball or haggle me further.. after enough times of that I said, never again. They need to want to buy at least as much or more than i want to sell lol.
And there in lies the problem -
Right lol?
I have had some very seriously silly low ball offers where they even tried to justify it by showing something that had sold for what they were offering, I would just laugh inside and reply to them they should have bought it, I've never been indignant or rude and always replied to anyone.
To me thats just common decency to be honest, the one's that get me is when I have listed something stating I'm not interested in any trades and someone hits me up if I'm willing to trade which I always found humorous although one time I actually did do a trade because the value of what they were offering was much better then what I was selling.
It was a gift he got that he had no interest in, one never knows.
I'll travel to make a sell depending on how bad I want to get rid of it.

I'm sure it goes the same for most.

I had a person travel from NorCal to SoCal (to me) to trade their FA CA320 with extra Wilson Grip for my AR15 Upper I had that I acquired for about $250 + $140 Cash that I offered to enticed the trader to come to me for it.

When lowballing, gotta know when, how, and what.
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The funny thing is, it's cheaper to ship some items with a shipping service that gives you great rates for free like pirateship even within the same city lines because of how expensive gas is.

That being said, the more expensive something is, the more I'm willing to meet someone. The better the deal, I'm more willing to drive somewhere. I've easily driven an hour or 2 for a coffee grinder or machine that's a good deal. I've flown out of state for my car as well because it was good deal.
I'll travel to make a sell depending on how bad I want to get rid of it.

I'm sure it goes the same for most.

I had a person travel from NorCal to SoCal (to me) to trade their FA CA320 with extra Wilson Grip for my AR15 Upper I had that I acquired for about $250 + $140 Cash that I offered to enticed the trader to come to me for it.

When lowballing, gotta know when, how, and what.
I have made drives well over 200 miles round trip to buy a great deal, I just made them a overnight road trip filling the rest of the day doing something fun. Met a guy that lived in Fresno and agreed to meet me in Merced on a Saturday morning, spent the rest of the day at Castle Air Museum spending the night at a motel 6 off of 99, coming back on Sunday gave me the chance to stop at Andersons Split Pea restaurant for all you can eat soup lol.
Gone to Sacto 3 times to buy a firearm, my brother & sister live in Grass Valley so I would just spend the night at their house and do some fishing.
As far as being the seller if someone is actually making a long drive and paying the asking price I have no problem meeting them somewhere along their route.
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