It's far better to have sellers list their general location and whether they are willing to travel (and how far).
Buyers have the Dreaded Double DROS Drive due to the 10 day wait, but sometimes if there is something very specific you're looking for, it's worth the deal. Or maybe if you'll be "passing through" or staying somewhere for holidays or whatever... I've done plenty of "long distance" PPTs to get oddities for my "collection", and typically am willing to drive a reasonable distance so a buyer has less for that DDDD!
Buyers have the Dreaded Double DROS Drive due to the 10 day wait, but sometimes if there is something very specific you're looking for, it's worth the deal. Or maybe if you'll be "passing through" or staying somewhere for holidays or whatever... I've done plenty of "long distance" PPTs to get oddities for my "collection", and typically am willing to drive a reasonable distance so a buyer has less for that DDDD!