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Feedback Next Feature? What would you like to see?

It's far better to have sellers list their general location and whether they are willing to travel (and how far).

Buyers have the Dreaded Double DROS Drive due to the 10 day wait, but sometimes if there is something very specific you're looking for, it's worth the deal. Or maybe if you'll be "passing through" or staying somewhere for holidays or whatever... I've done plenty of "long distance" PPTs to get oddities for my "collection", and typically am willing to drive a reasonable distance so a buyer has less for that DDDD!
I think it would be cool to have a thread of “how many did you shoot today”. Like the reloading thread. People can post something like G19- 50 rounds and P22- 110 rounds. Then somehow that person could add it to there profile and it would show under there user name like,
Lifetime Pews 160
One good feature (with AI) would be a "Find Similar" feature.
You could find similar guns for sale (current and past) to know what the "going" rate is for guns.

This is useful to know how much to list an item for, as well as to know if you are say within 20% of the norm etc.
Here’s an idea: notifications on material updates to 2A related California court cases. What I find annoying are case updates that have no impact on our daily lives. 9th circuit hearing case en banc, Supreme Court will hear this case, delay, delay, delay, blah, blah, blah. Super annoying hearing from YouTube channels … <cough> <Armed Scholar> <cough> … that some amazing thing happened, but not really. Some half step advancement like ‘a date set for review.’

What would be cool are notifications with substance. Like ‘won the case and we can buy ammo without a background check now’ or ‘injunction ruled and magazine capacity no longer limited to 10 round, get some!’

My thought would be locked threads not for discussion, but for updates. Anyone that wants to hear updates will just ‘watch’ the thread.
How about the ability to rearrange our adds . Like move posts up or down maybe change the way "more posts by this member" are placed in middle . Personally I'd like them at the booth for post continuity. Not sure if that's hard to do but if not it'd be cool
Here’s an idea: notifications on material updates to 2A related California court cases. What I find annoying are case updates that have no impact on our daily lives. 9th circuit hearing case en banc, Supreme Court will hear this case, delay, delay, delay, blah, blah, blah. Super annoying hearing from YouTube channels … <cough> <Armed Scholar> <cough> … that some amazing thing happened, but not really. Some half step advancement like ‘a date set for review.’

What would be cool are notifications with substance. Like ‘won the case and we can buy ammo without a background check now’ or ‘injunction ruled and magazine capacity no longer limited to 10 round, get some!’

My thought would be locked threads not for discussion, but for updates. Anyone that wants to hear updates will just ‘watch’ the thread.

EXCELLENT suggestion - too often the thread drift or "opinion" on CGN makes it hard to know what the actual CURRENT legal status is, for those who are trying to avoid being inadvertenly criminalized by the state zookeepers!

Limit posting to a few who have vetted legal expertise, qualified that they are NOT giving legal advice, only experience backed general legal analysis. THAT is perhaps the most important "modern" (AKA current in a constantly shifting state) general information to assist law abiding citizens stuck in the nanny state!

Structurally it would be helpful to have:
A) "proposed" bills or rules (AFT), with links/attached text, a brief summary of potential effects, and bonus points for a "comment form" that could be used to voice opinions to ones elected officials or Federal agency. Public opinion can be useful to prevent bad/misguided laws/rules that it takes YEARS to reverse in the court system. Creating a way to voice opinions efficiently could do much to advance 2A rights, or at least limit the death by 1000 cuts.

B) (probably impractical, but...) Summary with links on specific topics under at least "newly passed" laws/rules, and over time build up longer standing "current" ones.

C) current legal challenges (with filing date, case title and date, including filings, links to court filings or actions, and opinions/dispositions. In as concise a format as possible to keep it reasonably easy to follow to the non-legal trained "civilians"!

I've seen so much mis/disinformation (admittedly a society wide issue), even from people you would think would know better... having a solid vetted resource focused on 2A law in CA could serve a powerful purpose to prevent further erosion of the rights of law abiding citizens.
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EXCELLENT suggestion - too often the thread drift or "opinion" on CGN makes it hard to know what the actual CURRENT legal status is, for those who are trying to avoid being inadvertenly criminalized by the state zookeepers!

Limit posting to a few who have vetted legal expertise, qualified that they are NOT giving legal advice, only experience backed general legal analysis. THAT is perhaps the most important "modern" (AKA current in a constantly shifting state) general information to assist law abiding citizens stuck in the nanny state!

Structurally it would be helpful to have:
A) "proposed" bills or rules (AFT), with links/attached text, a brief summary of potential effects, and bonus points for a "comment form" that could be used to voice opinions to ones elected officials or Federal agency. Public opinion can be useful to prevent bad/misguided laws/rules that it takes YEARS to reverse in the court system. Creating a way to voice opinions efficiently could do much to advance 2A rights, or at least limit the death by 1000 cuts.

B) (probably impractical, but...) Summary with links on specific topics under at least "newly passed" laws/rules, and over time build up longer standing "current" ones.

C) current legal challenges (with filing date, case title and date, including filings, links to court filings or actions, and opinions/dispositions. In as concise a format as possible to keep it reasonably easy to follow to the non-legal trained "civilians"!

I've seen so much mis/disinformation (admittedly a society wide issue), even from people you would think would know better... having a solid vetted resource focused on 2A law in CA could serve a powerful purpose to prevent further erosion of the rights of law abiding citizens.
This is already in place under resources. We just need 'key' authors to keep these tracks up to date. The resource is separate from the discussion so people can chat about it while the status of a thing stays clean for updates.

The hard part is finding authors who will keep these resources up to date. The system is there, it just needs to be used.

Here’s an idea: notifications on material updates to 2A related California court cases. What I find annoying are case updates that have no impact on our daily lives. 9th circuit hearing case en banc, Supreme Court will hear this case, delay, delay, delay, blah, blah, blah. Super annoying hearing from YouTube channels … <cough> <Armed Scholar> <cough> … that some amazing thing happened, but not really. Some half step advancement like ‘a date set for review.’

What would be cool are notifications with substance. Like ‘won the case and we can buy ammo without a background check now’ or ‘injunction ruled and magazine capacity no longer limited to 10 round, get some!’

My thought would be locked threads not for discussion, but for updates. Anyone that wants to hear updates will just ‘watch’ the thread.

That in fact exists - I've used it here, and it provides a structure I have long wanted.

'Resources' are split into a more-or-less locked part, for content, and an open discussion thread for everything else.
EXCELLENT suggestion - too often the thread drift or "opinion" on CGN makes it hard to know what the actual CURRENT legal status is, for those who are trying to avoid being inadvertenly criminalized by the state zookeepers!

Limit posting to a few who have vetted legal expertise, qualified that they are NOT giving legal advice, only experience backed general legal analysis. THAT is perhaps the most important "modern" (AKA current in a constantly shifting state) general information to assist law abiding citizens stuck in the nanny state!

Structurally it would be helpful to have:
A) "proposed" bills or rules (AFT), with links/attached text, a brief summary of potential effects, and bonus points for a "comment form" that could be used to voice opinions to ones elected officials or Federal agency. Public opinion can be useful to prevent bad/misguided laws/rules that it takes YEARS to reverse in the court system. Creating a way to voice opinions efficiently could do much to advance 2A rights, or at least limit the death by 1000 cuts.

B) (probably impractical, but...) Summary with links on specific topics under at least "newly passed" laws/rules, and over time build up longer standing "current" ones.

C) current legal challenges (with filing date, case title and date, including filings, links to court filings or actions, and opinions/dispositions. In as concise a format as possible to keep it reasonably easy to follow to the non-legal trained "civilians"!

I've seen so much mis/disinformation (admittedly a society wide issue), even from people you would think would know better... having a solid vetted resource focused on 2A law in CA could serve a powerful purpose to prevent further erosion of the rights of law abiding citizens.
I like the general idea, but rather than limit posts- consider simply having KSG's (Known Smart Guys) badge or icon of some kind appear when they post.
I like the general idea, but rather than limit posts- consider simply having KSG's (Known Smart Guys) badge or icon of some kind appear when they post.
Then you still end up with 10 pages of comments to sort through when all you want is a quick summary of the current situation.
I like the general idea, but rather than limit posts- consider simply having KSG's (Known Smart Guys) badge or icon of some kind appear when they post.

Then you still end up with 10 pages of comments to sort through when all you want is a quick summary of the current situation.
Both are available. It's mainly getting authors to use the system. Authors who are content contributors have a badge that can use the resource system without edit time limits. You can watch the resource which is updated independently from the forum. Much like the classifieds here.

They have badges like so:

Screenshot 2025-01-18 at 5.20.55 PM.png
button to bump personal ads (in my active ads screen/list) dont want to click open all my ads in a bunch of tabs to hit bump everytime
button to bump personal ads (in my active ads screen/list) dont want to click open all my ads in a bunch of tabs to hit bump everytime

If you go here, you should see all you ads.


All five of your ads should show on this page.
Pick one, hit the bump button.
Pick the next one, hi the bump button.
Etc., etc.

It shouldn't take more than 30 seconds to bump 5 ads.
theres a lotof empty space that could be utilized, and you can have more ads in the future1738628608981.png
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