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Oak Tree meet up


CAguns Supporter
Calguns Verified
I forgot to add our range day here meet up at OAK TREE (SoCal)

Thanks to the guys that made it out:

We had a blast, we all shared our guns - we took all in about 15-20 guns?

we even let other shoot our guns. No issues with the RO and we had lunch afterwards and planned the next outing.

A buddy of mine wants to try out his new pistol this Saturday if anyone wants to join. I plan on taking a couple pistols but if my new lpvo mount gets here in time, I’ll take it to rezero. We may be there at 9. I’ll update as the plan comes together
they do a weekly "fun shoot" i usually go up there 1st and 3rd thursday of the month, 1st is 2 gun rifle / handgun and 3rd thursday is pistol only.

usualy 6-9pm and 25$ up at the rifle range.
they do a weekly "fun shoot" i usually go up there 1st and 3rd thursday of the month, 1st is 2 gun rifle / handgun and 3rd thursday is pistol only.

usualy 6-9pm and 25$ up at the rifle range.
I’ve been meaning to check out their gun shoots. Hopefully soon.
Definitely want to know about the next meet up! Anyone a member of DM in Acton?
By DM do you mean Desert Marksman?
I haven't been in a while but I'm still a member - would definitely be interested in doing a meetup out there.

I've got a few cardboard target stands and a couple steel IPSC steel targets that I could bring out for pistol/competition style drills.
A cheaper alternative to Oak Tree would be on San Franciquito Road called A Place to Shoot. $25 gets you all day access. It costs $5 for a target frame that you get a token for and paper targets are 50 cents or bring your own. At the end of shooting if your frames not shot up you get your token back to use another time. They have a rifle, paper target and steel target ranges as well as an area if you want to shoot clays. Pistol ranges are covered as well as rifle range. You can check it out at
I had someone mention it recently and have been meaning to check it out. Who is up for a meetup next weekend? I still need to sight in my lpvo
I'm interested in a meetup. Usually avail more during the week. I'm near North Hollywood but willing for a drive.
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