I find it strange that people see "x is not as good as y, x needs lots of training to perform like y" and interpret it as "x doesnt work at all". Revolvers take more skills to use effectively than a semi. Anything else is cope.
For one, good luck aiming. If your that close that you cant draw to aim, youre already at arms reach, or at gunpoint. Not many people survive a point blank gunfight from the drop, even if they get the first shot off. You might just be better off complying at that point and waiting for an opportunity to resist.
For two, if your pocket shooting, you probably arent using a holster and are retarded for other reasons.
For 3, is your cylinder going to spin correctly? Is your hammer, if exposed, going to catch? Have you practiced actually shooting from your pockets using daily clothes or is it just wishful thinking.
The whole pocket shooting scenario is one possible benefit that requires signficant drawbacks in most other areas that does not hold water in my mind. My ass aint wearing a jacket in 90 degree weather just in case i need to save .4 seconds on a draw. Wall of text concluded.