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Navigating California's Gun Laws: A Comprehensive Guide

Information Navigating California's Gun Laws: A Comprehensive Guide

California's gun laws are among the most comprehensive and stringent in the United States, reflecting a rigorous approach to regulating firearms' sale, possession, and use within the state. This blog post aims to shed light on...

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5.00 star(s) 1 ratings

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  1. Update Section 4

    The 1 in 30 rule was lifted and no longer applies March 11, 2024: U.S. District Judge William...
  2. Updated Section 5

    Corrected 5.) California is a shall-issue state and if approved requires 16 hours training.
  3. Updated Changes to the Laws

    As of 2024 we have to pay more!

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This is a rating left for this article. Make sure you follow the laws of the State!
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